Friday, July 9, 2010

I, the Apostle

Michael McNutt starts his Daily Oklahoman article on yesterday’s candidate forum at OCU in Edmond like this:

“The setting for Thursday’s forum for the 5th Congressional District candidates resembled a painting of the Last Supper after Judas Iscariot split.

“Twelve men – 11 candidates with a moderator in the middle – sat behind a long table with a white tablecloth looking out at a crowd of about 125 who attended the event at Oklahoma Christian University .”

This being the case – and assuming Mr. McNutt is referring to the famous Leonardo Da Vinci version of the scene – that puts me (2nd from right as you look at the painting and the accompanying photo in the Oklahoman) in the same seat as Jude the Apostle, variously called Jude Thaddeus, Judas Thaddaeus, Lebbaeus, or Jude of James. He’s sometimes referred to as Jude, brother of Jesus, but that connection is pretty tenuous.

Obviously, any connection between me and Jude the Apostle is pretty tenuous, too. Except that, in the Roman Catholic Church, Jude is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.


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