Thursday, July 8, 2010

Candidate Forum in Edmond

The Edmond Chamber of Commerce’s 5th District Congressional Candidate Forum was today. Seven Republicans, 2 Democrats, a Republo-Independent, and me, your humble Independent / Libertarian.

It was interesting to hear Democrat Tom Guild actually talk like a Democrat amid the sea of Republicans. But mostly it was a lot of people saying a lot of the same stuff, trying to claim the conservative high ground.

My biggest contribution was to draw attention to the copies of the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz” ( that fellow Libertarian and Lieutenant Governor candidate Richard Prawdzienski had passed out. So people could see for themselves where they are on the political spectrum.

There were 3 questions for each of us. My answer to the one about the economy rambled and was pretty much just Libertarian boilerplate. Gave myself a “C” on that.

My answer about immigration was better, but I didn’t remember to emphasize that as a practical matter, rounding up 12 to 15 million illegals and sending them back was out of the questions. Not unless we are prepared to become a police state.

The third question was about how would I interact with Edmond public and private leaders if elected. So I demonstrated how, by going down into the audience and asking our mayor, Patrice Douglas, what her concerns were. Then asking a private citizen about his concerns. Then asking a state representative – also running for Congress – the same question.

Republican Rick Flanigan – a good guy – jokingly called it a “skit”. I had to correct him later; it wasn’t a “skit”, it was a “shameless stunt” designed to help people remember me.

All in all, it was worth the time spent. I’m looking forward to after the primaries and/or run-offs, thought, when there will be just 4 of us on the stage and we can do a little more eye-to-eye debate.

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