Saturday, July 24, 2010

Edmond Sun Takes the 5th

The Edmond Sun Editorial Board took a look at the 5th District Congressional race and in an editorial in the Edmond Sun on Saturday, July 24, 2010, it made no endorsement. Why? Read on.
After commenting that the voters will have a tough choice to make in the primaries, the paper stated that “The good news is that the majority of the candidates trying to nab Rep. Mary Fallin’s seat are truly high-caliber candidates.”
Neither Democrat received a nod or even a mention by name, so I guess they aren’t in that majority of “high-caliber candidates”.
That leaves 9 candidates, but as Independents, Dave White and I aren’t in the primaries, so we’re off the list – for now, anyway.
That leaves the 7 Republicans, a majority of whom would be 4 or more. And the Board did mention 4 names: Calvey, Jett, Lankford and Thompson. But even though the Board was sure that any 1 of these 4 would provide “good representation in Congress”, the editorial also stated that after questioning these men in 8 areas and looking at their agendas, none of them earned “nods of confidence” in a “majority of those areas.”
In other words, by the Board’s own admission and using its own ranking system, neither Calvey, Jett, Lankford nor Thompson scored over 50% approval rating.
No wonder the Editorial Board didn’t end up pick anyone to endorse: These “high-caliber candidates” are all received F’s!

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